“We can do it” – This iconic phrase was first introduced during World War Two; next to the infamous image of a woman in overalls ready to work. Until this day this image has symbolized solidarity and empowerment for women As both business and political leaders, senior women regularly challenge conventional wisdom in their approach to leadership.
Research suggests that the most powerful and attractive symbolism of women leaders is the hope that they will bring significant change. When a woman is chosen as the first woman to become the most senior leader – the president, prime minister, or CEO, people begin to believe that other more substantive and less symbolic changes are also possible.
Research undertaken by the cooperation Vietnam Women’s Union and Peace Trees found that business training can increase performance in microenterprises and improve motivation, success, trust, and perceptions of women entrepreneurs.
Teaching women business skills has the potential of long-term benefits in sustaining a business and in developing new ones.
A recent survey has highlighted the need to encourage more young women to take apprenticeship roles, especially in male-dominated industries.
The survey found that more could be done to support women taking on apprenticeships and to achieve such changes support structures for women and girls should include mentors, networks, and female-friendly workplaces.
Research findings indicate that there is a need for better career development guidance and support for women. Getting women managers to senior executive and board levels can partly be achieved by women taking more responsibility or ownership for their own career development. However, alone, that is unlikely to be enough –organizations, therefore, need to take a decisive, agentic role in creating a better organizational culture for women.